Post Mortem/Next.

This is going to be a confused post.

Mainly because I'm confused.

Not going to go through a full run down on the last trip as I don't have more than fuzzy recollections of much of it. Not because it was a fog of craziness, mainly just because not much really happened.

To all the .4 of you who read this thing, I briefly deleted this blog for about a week after I came back. I had every intention of taking a good, long break from Vegas for a while. I cited the usual reasons: nothing much happens on my trips, they're very expensive, I come back a physical wreck (this time more than most) and mainly because it consumes my life to the exclusion life.

So I deleted all the Vegas blogs I follow. Deleted myVegas. Stopped following all the Vegas locations I follow on Twitter. Deleted my Vegas pictures cache. Made a personal commitment (again) to try to establish a life here in SF. I even went to a concert Saturday night in the pursuit of that. You know, socializing, where I live.

Then I was sitting around work today, bored. Thinking about my birthday coming up in a couple weeks. Wishing the Giants were in town, they aren't. Knowing I've got $2K in the bank from the last trip. Wondering what to do. Then I had a thought. A bad, but familiar thought:

"Theoretically, how much would a plane ticket to Vegas cost that weekend?"

45 minutes later, in a haze of questionable decision making and, admittedly, excitement, I had a 3-night comped trip and a $245 ticket on Southwest booked.

I seriously came back from this last trip ready to take a break. I felt terrible for a few days afterwards and literally had some heart fluttering going on from the beating I gave myself. Not just booze but "party favors" that seemed stuck in every orifice of my head. And again, as with the last couple trips, nothing much good happened. I sat around in bars, alone. Not one female took the slightest interest in me. I didn't really even make that much of an effort to have fun. I kinda just went to all my spots like I always do and went through the motions. My "friends" who came into town ditched me, for the most part.

Oh, and I spent $4000.

Yeah. I hit almost $2K on a Michael Jackson slot machine on the last night (Thanks, Mike), otherwise I would have come back nearly busted. So now I'm turning that $2K and 2 paychecks around and I'm headed straight back.

So yeah, confusion. I think maybe after 4 years and 11 (now going on 12) trips I just want to be sure that Vegas hasn't been toying with me. That all the "What Happens In..." bullshit is, actually, bullshit. And when it comes down to it I'd probably just spend that $2K on a watch or some other useless thing that I can't take with me when I die anyway.

So the countdown is on again. Racking up the myVegas points. Putting aside every last dollar. Making reservations at d.Vino. Getting my head around the 2nd trip of 2015 and, maybe, the last?

At this point I really have no idea.

I feel a bit like a heroin addict.


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