T-Minus One Month

The countdown is on in earnest for trip #1 of 2017.

One month from today I will be back in the happy zone (actually 28 days since Feb is a short month yay!). The money will be in a good place, I am aiming to have $4500, $1K per day plus $500 for the fly-in night. Saving's already begun with $700 in the bank and I will be getting my nearly $2K tax refund in the next day or two, so I really only need to put together another $1800 in the next three checks, one Friday, one on the 20th and then I will be getting paid while I'm in town too, so should be no worries.

Not super excited to be staying at Paris, the casino itself has never really impressed me and frankly it seems a little run down (like many CET resorts) but since the (free) room is a recently remodeled Burgundy that part of it at least should be fine. Probably won't end up spending much time aside from sleep in the resort but we'll see. And did I mention the room is free?

I've been so wrapped up in getting my car settled into that I haven't done any planning at all for this trip, and don't really intend to. Unless something comes up in the next month that I really want to do, just going to do whatever crosses my head when I wake up in the morning (or afternoon) on this trip. Generally I tend to have a better time on "no-planners" anyway.

I did buy a couple more of the Restaurant.com $2 for $25 certs to go back to Carlos and Charlie's (which was meh but worth a try again at this price) and the very good Slice. Again, even if something goes wrong redeeming them I'm only down $4.

But that's it. No shows, no plans; it's the week before Vegas becomes hell for the following three weeks with all the sports and conferences going on later in March. I will be well clear before the stupid hits.

Intend to induce some of my own stupid while in town one month from...now.


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