T-Minus One Month.
Countdown to Vegas trip #4 of the year in full effect now. Nothing really has changed in the planning. Good eating, questionable drinking, bad gambling. The usual. Have a bit of a life change that will affect Vegas a bit, going to get myself a car now that I'm licensed again. Too damn likely to die as a pedestrian in the City anymore, few days go by that I don't almost get mooshed while walking to and from work. Going to buy one outright via a 401k loan, so the only long-term financial impact is repaying the loan (bout $200/month directly debited from pay) and the insurance payment, which for all the cars I've modeled is less than $50. Looking at used Mercedes or Audis, I've always wanted a real car, no more crappy American or Japanese 4-bangers, and now that I have the means to do it finally, I'm going to make it happen. Good loan rate from Vanguard, less than 5%, better than I could get at any dealership so pulled the trigger. Still leaves a nice chunk in...