This Monkey's Gone To Heaven.

Two more sleeps, one more half-assed day of work, and I'm off to Vegas for the last trip of the year.

The money is out of the bank, the clothes are washed, most of them are packed, it's pretty much all over but the shouting. The money is good, best/most I've ever had for a Vegas trip. Over $5300, so that's a full 1K a day and some "walking around" money for the airport bar and the limo driver tip and the supplies for the room when on the ground. Should have no reason to dip into the Cap 1 fund at all aside from the room hold/resort fee extraction.

Have no real reason to hold on to much of the cash this time as all the other financials in my life are good up to my next check. Which means I can (though who knows if I will) gamble more than I usually do. We'll see how the first couple days go. If I'm winning anything it'll embolden me for the later days, if it goes to usual plan I'll make my normal $3-400 donation daily and spend the rest of the time in the bars futilely chasing skirts. Which...fine. After 17 of these now I know what I'm getting into and girl's pants is very unlikely to be among them.

Lot of freedom on this trip, only a couple real plans and some incentive to eat well to keep up the Vegas power level. Think eating well and sleeping well will be important this time. Brought some Nyquil as insurance if I have my usual tough time getting used to a strange bed.

So that's it then. Looking forward to consecutive year 4 in Vegas over Xmas and hoping for a relaxing, fun and interesting trip. Checking back in after the trip, assuming I survive it.


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