It's Vegas Week.
Kind of can't believe it, but finally, after 3 months of obsessing about this trip after the last trip, I'll be on the plane to Vegas in 4 days.
Putting a bow on this nutty Vegas year by being there for the annual Xmas X-travaganza. Locked up on all the planning and prep, just need to do one more load of laundry, pack some shit, pull the money out of the bank and get my ass to the airport Friday night.
Very ready for this trip, the City grind has been grinding the last few weeks that I've been in hibernation and it's time to blow off whatever steam I have left in the tank this year. Ready to leave the fog, the idiot landlords, the job and the general normie-life rut behind for a week. Time to eat some good food, drink some good drinks, meet some bad women and lose some hard-earned money.
Not much else to say. The VegasTimeBomb is set and I just need the fuse to burn down to around 10p Friday night when I'm wheels down.
Let's go, ya bitches.
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