About. My Brains.

Many facts about me that you will find endlessly fascinating to the extent that you will forget them immediately.

I live in San Francisco. BTW, no one from San Francisco says they are from San Francisco, as we all just refer to it as The City. As if there are no other cities, just this one. So, for fear of breaking some arcane social contract I will, forever more, refer to San Francisco as The City. Despite this, this blog will have almost no mention of San Francisco. So never mind.

I've been to Vegas 6 times in the last 3 years and will be going for the 4th time this year in 2 months (Dec '13). You will hear a lot about Vegas on this blog. I loves me some Vegas.

My life consists of going to work, going out to get drunk on days off and saving up for/going to Las Vegas. No joke. I have no hobbies or interests to speak of.

ERGO, this blog will consist mainly of posts about my personal adventures in and endless obsessing about Las Vegas. In fact, to call it a blog is a bit of a stretch, it's really more a personal diary as concerns my Vegas adventures. This blog is not monetized, will rarely feature links to other blogs, and when it comes down to it, will be read by 3 people once every never. I'm writing this for me, to have a record for my personal amusement.

That said, if someone out there manages to glean something useful from my experiences then that's all to the good, and I hope anyone coming across this will have a great trip next time to Vegas.

K thx bai.


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