Yeah Sure Whatever Dude.

Going to make effort #812 to lose some chub before the April Vegas trip.

I know.

It continues to boggle me that of all the things I've been able to fix in my life over the past decade that I'm still fucking addicted to Twinkies. I'm a grown ass man and have been for 30 years and I still have no willpower over food. It's killed my health, shortened my life and made me invisible to the opposite sex.

I'm not going to make any grand pronouncements this time...I'm just going to try. There's a healthy market right next to where I work, I'm going to avail myself of it and try to drop 10 pounds and a belt notch before I leave in 30 days. Then I'm going to...try to keep going? Maybe get off the fucking insulin and half the pills I have to take to keep me alive? Make the Vegas trips the only times of year I eat like a fucking grotesque?

I throw out the chocolate and cookies tonight and come home tomorrow with some grapes and salad fixings and nuts, and see where it leads. If the past is any indicator it'll be back to Hostess cherry pies in a week but fuck if I'm not going to make an effort to not die 20 years early from stuffing my fucking face.



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