Fucking Relax.
So I will be in Vegas during a holiday weekend. I'm going to try to do something almost unheard of for me.
I'm a ridiculously impatient person. I hate waiting in lines, hate being behind slow walking people, or having to navigate around people who are stopped for whatever reason in a throughfare. I suffer fools or people who are driven to foolishness by circumstances poorly. It's one of the reasons I prefer to travel solo and prefer to live my life alone. It adds stress to my life, but it is what it is.
So for me, I'm going to try a crazy thing on this trip, when there is likely to be shitloads of people on the strip in 100 degree heat. I'm going to slow the fuck down. I'm going to try to walk at a less rapid pace, take in the sights of the amazing Vegas exteriors that I rarely appreciate since I'm always in such a damn rush to get inside the next casino or bar.
Crowds of people move slowly. Crowds of people who are tourists move even more slowly. Crowds of tourists who have to stop every 15 feet and take a cell phone picture of themselves next to the 7th fat Elvis they've seen on the strip that day are even slower. I'm going to try to, if not embrace that, at least tolerate it gracefully while I'm in town.
If it takes me 25 minutes at a leisurely pace to get to Cosmo from NYNY this time instead of the usual 15 minutes when I'm practically running people over, so be it. It'll help my mood. It'll help my tan. It'll help me be less of a sweaty pig. Maybe I'll even have a pleasant, superficial interaction with some of these people if I move at their snail pace. I'm going to try to calm the fuck down for four days. It might be...
I think it's in some manual somewhere that vacations are supposed to be that, now and again.
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